Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blessing Song

Last night Wade came home late (close out week) and K was still up. The 3 of us crowded into our bed and read books to K and after reading K wanted to sing some songs. We laid there singing for a few minutes and then she started to sing this song, you may be familiar with it but I have not heard it.

(to the tune of where is thumbkin...)
Thank you God, Thank you God
For our food, For our food
Many many blessings, Many many blessings
For our food, For our food
then she paused and said...
Thank you God, Thank you God
For my family, For my family
Many many blessings, Many many blessings
For my family, For my family
& she said ...
Thank you God, Thank you God
for my friends, for my friends
many many blessings, many many blessing
for my friends, for my friends
last she sang...
Thank you God, Thank you God
For lovin me, For lovin me
Many many blessing, many many blessing
For lovin me, For lovin me.

She has been making songs up like crazy lately. Everything has a song or belongs in a song. It was very sweet for both of us to hear her sing this tune. She is constantly singing and dancing and going to bed is no exception for her. My blessing song is a song of love too. I am thrilled God gave us such a beautiful little girl. She is growing up faster than I expected but I feel very blessed to have her in my life...even more so these days with everything that is happening around us. I cherish the moments I have with her and I tell her on a regular basis that I love her and cherish her. I hope you can find the moments to cherish those in your life too.

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